On going Sign Ups
Event Committees!
We are always looking for committee members to help plan and organize our events for the upcoming year.
We believe in the power of volunteering. By giving a little of your time, you could help make a significant impact on our school and community.
Staff Appreciation
​​Event Date: Ongoing​
This committee is responsible for planning monthly staff appreciation events throughout the year and during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Dine Outs
​​Event Date: Ongoing​
The committee is in charge of setting up and advertising for monthly dine-outs to raise money for our school at local restaurants. Currently being headed by Krista Frederico
​​Event Date: Nov 18 - 22​
A week of STEM fun for everyone! The committee is in charge of setting up the online donations system, promoting the event, setting up activites, and organizing volunteers. Volunteers will help running the event throughout the week, during the school day with the students.
Silent Auction
​​Event Date: Apr 25th​
Our silent auction is a fun fundraiser! We solicit classrooms for baskets of donations and also solicit community organizations for donations. This event is paired with Evening of the Arts.
​Event Date: Ongoing​
The committee is responsible for taking photos, making and distributing the yearbook. This role requires being a bit tech-savvy and able to drag and drop photos and icons onto the page designs platform.
Bilingual Bingo
​​Event Date: Sept 13th​
This committee will plan a Loteria bingo night. 5th graders will do the calling! This is a free event (likely in the MPR) for families to practice their Spanish and win prizes. Responsabilities include sourcing decorations and supplies, coordinating with IT for the projector and screen, coordinating with staff for an announcer, and coordinating food options.
Family Dance
​​Event Date: Feb 28th​
Dance Party! Help us reimage this event and make it everything it can be!
Art to Remember
​​Event Date: TBD​
Work with Mrs. Fouts to set up and advertise the Art to Remember fundraiser in time for winter holiday gifts
Mileage Club
​Event Date: Oct - March​
The Mileage Club is a running club that is held on Thursdays during recess between October - March. As students reach different milestones they receive charm tokens for their mileage club necklace. Members are responsible for ordering charms, setting up the QR codes, advertising the event, organizing volunteers, and setting up/taking down decorations. Volunteers: We need at least 10 volunteers every week! Our weekly volunteers are responsible for scanning kids, passing out charm tokens, ensuring kids are safely running, and cheering on from the sidelines.
Book Fair
​​Event Date: Sept 16-20 & Apr 21-25​
We hold two book fairs each year. This generate scholastic money for the school that teachers can use for classroom supplies. Committee members are incharge of scheduling, planning, and running this event. Volunteers: Help setting up, working, and taking down the book fair.
Color Run
​​Event Date: March 15th​
Fun event for families! In the past, our teachers volunteered to throw chalk colors on our families, as they ran a course around the school dressed in white. We also provide drinks and snacks. ​ The committee is in charge of setting up the event, advertising, and recruiting staff members to volunteer to throw color. Volunteers: We try to use staff members to throw the color, though we will likely need a few parents to help set up/manage the snack.
​​Event Date: TBD​
Work with teachers in the spring to develop class supply lists for the following year, setting up orders through Edukit, and distributing boxes in early August.
Movie Nights
​​Event Date: Ongoing​
Plan movie nights throughout the school year in the MPR. Select movies, coordinate screening times and dates, coordinate volunteers, snack sales and set-up and clean-up.
Trunk or Treat
​​Event Date: Oct 25th​
Our Trunk or Treat Party is a student highlight! For this event, we decorate the parking lot and invite families to decorate their trunks and pass out candy. In years past, we have hired a DJ and have food available. We request donations for decorations and candy. The Committee is responsible for sourcing decorations, organizing volunteers, and promoting the event. Volunteers: We always need volunteers to decorate, manage the parking lot, decorate vehicles, sell food, and clean up.
Evening of the Arts
​​Event Date: Apr 25 th​
This committee will coordinate with Mrs. Fouts to prepare the artwork and coordinate with volunteers to set up the gallery walls and decorate the MPR. They will coordinate with the other art teachers to create a performance schedule and manage the stage. Coordinate set-up, clean-up and food
​​Event Date: Year round​
Help us make every year great! Spiritwear, See's Candy, Themed blankets and so much more.